| | Drugs contraindicated in Pregnancy & Lactation | |
| El Helalyaالمؤسسة
تاريخ التسجيل : 08/08/2008
| موضوع: Drugs contraindicated in Pregnancy & Lactation الإثنين 6 يونيو 2011 - 16:43 | |
| السلام عليكم ورحمة الله وبركاته الموضوع منقول من
ودكتور محمد الشريف جزاهم الله خير الجزاء
كثير منا درس Teratogenicity في مادة السموم وسبحان الله وجدت أن ال malformations بسبب الأدوية كثيرة جدا وسهلة الحدوث جدا لو الأم تهاونت في أخذ أدوية أثناء الحمل سواء في ال 1st أو 2nd ,3rd trimesters على السواء (على حسب الدواء اللى خدته) ويمكن اللى شجعنى اجمع الموضوع ده ان واحدة صاحبتى بتحكى لى عن واحدة صاحبتها حامل وامتد حملها اكتر من 9 شهور وداخلة في العاشر !! فافتكرت ساعتها انها ممكن تكون خدت Aspirin أو Indomethacin خلال آخر شهور الحمل لصداع او غيره فقلل ال Prostaglandins اللازم للطلق فعمل stillbirth المشكلة اللى بواجهها أنى درست اه المواد الفعالة اللى بتسبب malformations لكن للأسف معرفش الأسماء التجارية وكل الأدوية في السوق بتاعة المواد الفعالة دى !!!!!!! الى جانب انه لو جيت احذر حامل من انها تاخد ادوية معينة اثناء الحمل مش هقول لها اسم المادة الفعالة لكن هقولها الدوا اللى اسمه كذا ماتاخديهوش ! وأنا هاحصر دلوقتى أسماء المواد الفعالة او ال family بتاعتها وال malformation اللى بتعمله وباطلب من كل اللى بيشتغلوا في صيدليات انهم يحصروا لى الأدوية في السوق اللى بتحتوى على المادة دى بحيث يبقي في زى database لكل الادوية اللى teratogenic للحامل او برضه الادوية اللى pass though milk to the baby (بالنسبة لل lactating) وفي نفس الوقت تكون Drugs contraindicated in: 1-Early pregnancy (highly teratogenic drugs ) Thalidomide===>cause phocomelia or amelia Warfarin Isotretinoin(used in ttt of Acne)=====>xss Vit. A is teratogenic Corticosteroids Anticancer drugs Radioactive Iodine Diazepam Phenobarbitone 2-Throughout pregnancy Aspirin Ibuprofen Male hormones=====>cause masculinization of female fetus 3-Late pregnancy they are hazardous if given during ! 2nd 7 3rd trimesters , some (are hazardous also if given during 1st trimester Androgens & Progestrones=======>musculinization of female fetus Estrogens=======>feminization of fetus , abnormal spermatogensis Dietylstilbesterol(DES)======>Adenocarcinoma of Vagina in gils(15-20 years) whose mothers took DES durind 1st trimester Oral contraceptives=====>VACTERL syndrome ie. defects in Vertebrae , Anus , CVC ,Trachea ,Esophagus ,Renal tract , Limbs Tetracycline=====>Tooth discolouration & interference with bone development Sulfonamides =====>Jaundice Chloroquine &Chloropromazine=====>congenital cataract Sulfonyl Ureas=====>prolonged hypoglycemia &malformations Phenytoin=====>cleft lip & cleft palate Aspirin / NSAIDS as Indo----cin=====>Aspirin in 1st trimester cause cleft lip & left palate (in a few %) , but Aspirin & other NSAIDS in 2nd & 3rd trimesters decrease PG so fetal bleeding , prolonged gestation , low birth weight & stillbirth 4-Drugs not given prior to labour Chloramphenicol=====>Grey Baby syndrome Vasoconstrictors=====>Placental casoconstriction so decreases nutriens to fetus so malformations 5- Drugs not given during labour (drugs causing respiratory depression)- Opioids , Barbiturates , General anaesthetics (xpt N2O Tranquilizers(diazepam)=====>muscle relaxation of baby and decrease ability of suckling B-adrenergic agonists=====>complication of labour Anticoagulants=====>decrease clotting of blood (should be stopped some time before delivery) متنوعة Ergotamine=====>Aborfacient Diflunisal=====>drug induced hypoxia which make interference with energy production and osmolarity within ! developing embryo <<<يتبع مع ال lactating woman>>>
الموضوع : Drugs contraindicated in Pregnancy & Lactation المصدر :منتديات تقى الإسلامية الكاتب: El Helalya |
| | | El Helalyaالمؤسسة
تاريخ التسجيل : 08/08/2008
| موضوع: رد: Drugs contraindicated in Pregnancy & Lactation الإثنين 6 يونيو 2011 - 16:44 | |
| Drugs contraindicated in:
1-Early pregnancy warfarin ___>>> ( coumadin , hemofarin , marivanil , marevan , warfarin ) Isotretinoin ____>>> ( roaccutene diazepam ____>>> (calium , epival , farcozepam , lexotanil , neuril , stesolid , valpam , valium , valinil phenobarbitone ____>>> ( asmolin , asmacid , epicophylline , minophylline , sominal , sominaletta يتبع ان شاء الله الموضوع : Drugs contraindicated in Pregnancy & Lactation المصدر :منتديات تقى الإسلامية الكاتب: El Helalya |
| | | El Helalyaالمؤسسة
تاريخ التسجيل : 08/08/2008
| موضوع: رد: Drugs contraindicated in Pregnancy & Lactation الإثنين 6 يونيو 2011 - 16:44 | |
| Drugs & Chemicals excreted in milk: (contraindicated for lactating woman) Anticoagulants Bishydroxycoumarin , Phenendione=====> hemorrhage for baby which is increased by Vit K deficiency Warfarin=====>appears safe but some authorities consider breast feeding contraindicated during therapy NSAIDS Aspirin=====>occasional dose: safe continious use:rash , hypoprothrombinemia (in case of (low Vit K stores Indomethacin=====> convulsions for baby Paracetamol , Ibuprofen=====>Safe Antimicrobials Penicillins=====>decrease intestinal flora so diarrhea & thrush Cephalosporins=====>excreted in small amounts Sulfonamides &Co-trimoxazole=====>increase biliribin in fetus (blood..reach brain..so damage (Kernicterus Tetracyclines=====>dental staining ,dental & bone marrow malformation CNS depressants Alcohol=====> in large amounts : toxicity Barbiturates=====>drowsiness Benzodiazepines=====>repeated dose: lethargy &weight loss Chloral hydrate=====>drowsiness Li=====>CVS &CNS disturbances CNS stimulants Theobromine(ex. chocolate)=====>irritability &poor sleep patterns Caffeine(ex. cola ,tea, coffee) =====>accumulation irritability , wakefulness &Jitteriness (تحريك الأيدى لأعلى وأسفل بعصبية زى التشنجات) Theophylline(antiasthmatic)=====>irritability &sleep disturbances Ephedrine &Pseudoephedrine=====>irritability &sleep disturbances Endocrine acting drugs Antithyroids(Methimazole ,Carbimazole)=====>hypothyrodism goiter & Corticosteroids=====>cont. therapy with doses >10 mg Prednisolone :adrenocortical disturbance Androgens=====>musculinization of female fetus Female --- hormones (Oral contraceptives)===>gynecomastia (in males) & supressed lactation (in females) Others Narcotics (ex. Morphine ,Heroin ,Methadone &opiates) withdrawal symptoms & risk of addiction<===== (H2-blockers & Poton pump Inhibitors (ex. Omeprazole <===== excreted in milk with amount 3-12 times that present in mother blood ,so should Not be used during lactation Clochicine=====>Cytotoxicity Vit D(high dose)=====>hypercalcemia Atropine=====> suppression of lactation , as it decreases secretions Ergotamine=====>Ergotism & suppresion of lactation :-:-:-:-:-:-: تمت بحمد الله الموضوع : Drugs contraindicated in Pregnancy & Lactation المصدر :منتديات تقى الإسلامية الكاتب: El Helalya |
| | | El Helalyaالمؤسسة
تاريخ التسجيل : 08/08/2008
| موضوع: رد: Drugs contraindicated in Pregnancy & Lactation الإثنين 6 يونيو 2011 - 16:44 | |
| من ضمن الأدوية أيضا ال contraindicated for pregnant woman :Antimicrobials as Quinolones(Nalidixic acid-Norfloxacin-Ciprofloxacin-Ofloxacin)=====>cause "joint effects" as:arthropathy ,arthalgia ,swelling Sulfonamides=====>cause Kernicterus in infants(replace bilirubin in plasma protein --->free bilirubin--->pptn in brain so (convulsions (fatal الموضوع : Drugs contraindicated in Pregnancy & Lactation المصدر :منتديات تقى الإسلامية الكاتب: El Helalya |
| | | El Helalyaالمؤسسة
تاريخ التسجيل : 08/08/2008
| موضوع: رد: Drugs contraindicated in Pregnancy & Lactation الإثنين 6 يونيو 2011 - 16:45 | |
| وأنا هاحصر دلوقتى أسماء المواد الفعالة او ال family بتاعتها وال malformation اللى بتعمله وباطلب من كل اللى بيشتغلوا في صيدليات انهم يحصروا لى الأدوية في السوق اللى بتحتوى على المادة دى بحيث يبقي في زى database لكل الادوية اللى teratogenic للحامل او برضه الادوية اللى pass though milk to the baby (بالنسبة لل lactating) وفي نفس الوقت تكون مرجع لنا الموضوع : Drugs contraindicated in Pregnancy & Lactation المصدر :منتديات تقى الإسلامية الكاتب: El Helalya |
| | | El Helalyaالمؤسسة
تاريخ التسجيل : 08/08/2008
| موضوع: رد: Drugs contraindicated in Pregnancy & Lactation الإثنين 6 يونيو 2011 - 16:45 | |
| Drugs contraindicated in: 1-Early pregnancy (highly teratogenic drugs ) Thalidomide===>cause phocomelia or amelia Warfarin e.g.hemofarin , marivanil , marevan Isotretinoin(used in ttt of Acne)=====>xss Vit. A is teratogenic e.g. isotrex, netlook, roaccutane Corticosteroids e.g. solu-cortif , urbason, fortecortin .. etc. Anticancer drugs Radioactive Iodine Diazepam e.g.valpam , valium Phenobarbitone e.g. sominal , sominaletta, asmolin , epicophylline 2-Throughout pregnancy Aspirin e.g. rivo, aspocid , aggrex, alexoprine Ibuprofen e.g. brufen, marcofen, ultrafen, profusol Male hormones=====>cause masculinization of female fetus e.g. proviron, sustanon, provimest, andriol 3-Late pregnancy they are hazardous if given during ! 2nd 7 3rd trimesters , some (are hazardous also if given during 1st trimester Androgens & Progestrones=======>musculinization of female fetus progesterone e.g. primolut depot, prontogest, gestone, utrogestan Estrogens =======>feminization of fetus , abnormal spermatogensis e.g.premarin,primogyn, ovestin AND estrogen / progesterone combination e.g. lutofolone (بيستخدموها عشان الاجهاض) , cycloprogynova Dietylstilbesterol(DES) ======>Adenocarcinoma of Vagina in girls(15-20 years) whose mothers took DES durind 1st trimester Oral contraceptives=====>VACTERL syndrome ie. defects in Vertebrae , Anus , CVC ,Trachea ,Esophagus ,Renal tract , Limbs Tetracycline e.g. hostacycline, tetracid=====>Tooth discolouration & interference with bone development Sulfonamides e.g. sutrim, septazole, septrin =====>Jaundice Chloroquine e.g. hydroquine, alexoquine i&Chloropromazine e.g. largactil, neurazine, promacid =====>congenital cataract Sulfonyl Ureas (antidiabetics) e.g. daonil, amaryl, diamicron,..etc.=====>prolonged hypoglycemia &malformations Phenytoin e.g.epanutin, ipanten, phenytin=====>cleft lip & cleft palate Aspirin / NSAIDS as Indomethacin e.g. indocid=====>Aspirin in 1st trimester cause cleft lip & left palate (in a few %) , but Aspirin & other NSAIDS in 2nd & 3rd trimesters decrease PG so fetal bleeding , prolonged gestation , low birth weight & stillbirth 4-Drugs not given prior to labour Chloramphenicol e.g. cidocetine, levocol, miphenicol =====>Grey Baby syndrome Vasoconstrictors e.g. nasal decongestant (oral cold prep. & drops) , effortil , corasore, vascon, heptaminol, gutron =====>Placental casoconstriction so decreases nutriens to fetus so malformations 5- Drugs not given during labour (drugs causing respiratory depression)- Opioids , Barbiturates , General anaesthetics (xpt N2O Tranquilizers(diazepam)=====>muscle relaxation of baby and decrease ability of suckling B-adrenergic agonists (bronchodilator containing salbutamol, salmetrol, terbutaline, ..etc) =====>complication of labour Anticoagulants (warfarin, heparin)=====>decrease clotting of blood (should be stopped some time before delivery) (عند وجود ضرورة لاعطاء anticoagulant يقوم الطبيب باعطاء warfarin حتى بداية الشهر التاسع ثم يكمل بـ heparin لتجنب حدوث نزيف حيث أن ال heparin ليه short half life و بالتالي يمكن عن طريق وقف العلاج تفادي حدوث نزيف بسهولة ) :Antimicrobials as Quinolones(Nalidixic acid-Norfloxacin-Ciprofloxacin-Ofloxacin) =====>cause "joint effects" as:arthropathy ,arthalgia ,swelling e.g. tarivid, kiroll, tariflox, ciprobay, ciprocin, ciprofar, cipromax, serviflox, rancif, tavanic, lee-flox, unibiotic, levoxin, tequine, gatilox, avalox, spara, lomeflox Sulfonamides =====>cause Kernicterus in infants(replace bilirubin in plasma protein --->free bilirubin--->pptn in brain so (convulsions (fatal others Ergotamine e.g. migrainil, spasmomigrain, no-migrain, metograin=====>Aborfacient Diflunisal e.g. doloban, dolozal =====>drug induced hypoxia which make interference with energy production and osmolarity within ! developing embryo
الموضوع : Drugs contraindicated in Pregnancy & Lactation المصدر :منتديات تقى الإسلامية الكاتب: El Helalya |
| | | El Helalyaالمؤسسة
تاريخ التسجيل : 08/08/2008
| | | | الجنه تنادينيالاشراف العام
تاريخ التسجيل : 16/05/2010
| | | | واسلاماهالمراقبة العامة
تاريخ التسجيل : 23/06/2009
| موضوع: رد: Drugs contraindicated in Pregnancy & Lactation الجمعة 8 يوليو 2011 - 19:54 | |
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| | | | Drugs contraindicated in Pregnancy & Lactation | |
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